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New Play 'Old Soldier' Remembers Frank Richards

First World War, Library of Wales, memoir, Play -

New Play 'Old Soldier' Remembers Frank Richards

Frank Richards' title of his Library of Wales classic Old Soldiers Never Die has proven a prophetic one. On 30th June, his legacy endures with a new play inspired by his experiences, called 'Old Soldier' which has its world premiere at The Melville Centre in Abergavenny.

The play, directed by Jeff Teare, revolves around the experiences of Frank Richards -- played by Sean Carlsen (left) -- during the First World War and thereafter, when he was a Royal Welch Fusilier. The gruesomeness and rare moments of beauty he finds in the trenches are explored through the lens of both he and his daughter, Margaret (right), played by Alison Lenihan. 

Image of male actor              Image of female actor

The play combines the First World War narrative with stories from Richards' other Library of Wales memoir, Old Soldier SahibFrom the Western Front to serving in British India, the play emulates the life of its protagonist -- global in scope and Welsh in point of view. 

The show premieres Saturday, 30th June, at 7:30pm. Tickets are £10, available through the Melville Centre website here. Frank Richards' two novels can be purchased through Parthian's website here.