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Celebration of The Valley, the City, the Village

British Council, India-Wales, Literature Wales, Parthian Books, Wales, Wales Arts Review -

Celebration of The Valley, the City, the Village

Join Parthian Books, Literature Wales and Wales Arts Review for an afternoon of discussion, information sharing and readings, in celebration of last year’s collaborative project The Valley, the City, the Village, which formed part of British Council Wales’ & Wales Arts International’s India Wales initiative.

Location: Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Alexandra Road, Swansea SA1 5DZ
Date: 1 September 2018
Time: 2.00pm - 5.00pm

FREE: No need to book (booking essential for one-to-one sessions only, see below)

Author on a boat

2.00pm – 2.45pm

Parthian Director Richard Lewis Davies will be in discussion with novelist and Wales Arts Review Editor Gary Raymond, chaired by Elena Schmitz, Literate Wales’ Head of Programmes. All three organisations collaborated on The Valley, the City, the Village project in 2017, with Bee Books in India. This talk will provide some background to the project and how the organisations worked together, as well as consider the process of international working for writers from Wales. A key focus will be information sharing for emerging writers who might be interested in taking part in similar projects in the future.

3.00pm – 3.45pm

Hear from all Welsh writers who took part in The Valleys, the City, the Village project: Natalie Ann Holborow, Sophie McKeand, Gary Raymond and Sion Tomos Owen. All writers travelled to India last year and wrote new work inspired by their journey. They will be in conversation with Richard Lewis Davies, Director of Parthian Books, to share some of their experiences and read excerpts from their work.

4.00pm – 5.00pm

BOOKING ESSENTIAL: One-to-one sessions with Richard Lewis Davies (Parthian) and Elena Schmitz (Literature Wales) for writers who want to find out more about working with a publisher or about funding and opportunities available for writers from Literature Wales.Maximum of 8 spaces available; booking on strictly first-come, first-served basis.

Contact Parthian at (0)1792 606 605 or Literature Wales at (0) 2920 472 266 or email us at info@parthianbooks by 28 August, indicating who you’d like to meet with.

About India Wales

India Wales is a joint initiative between Wales Arts International and the British Council that supports artistic collaboration and exchange between creative professionals and arts organisations in Wales and India. India Wales supports the broader UK India Year of Culture 2017 but also extends beyond.

About the Valley, the City, the Village Project

In 2017, publishers Parthian Books (Wales) and Bee Books (India), together with Literature Wales and Wales Arts Review, collaborated on The Valley, The City, The Village, a project in which six writers from Wales and India explored each other’s countries and used these experiences to provoke and inspire new writing. 

Each group of writers has toured the other nation, and the project has already seen a new Welsh book launched at the Kolkata Book Fair in India and group appearances at Hay and Llansteffan Festivals, as well as a residency at Ty Newydd in North Wales, among many other public events spanning across Wales. A special (and first print) edition of Wales Arts Review was published following the Welsh writers’ tour of India in spring 2017. It can be purchased from Parthian's website here

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Diwrnod awduron newydd a dathliad o brosiect Y Cwm, Y Ddinas, Y Pentref

Ffocws ar gysylltiadau llenyddol India-Cymru fel rhan o arddangosfa Facing N. S. Harsha

Lleoliad: Oriel Glynn Vivian, Ffordd Alexandra, Abertawe SA1 5DZ

Dyddiad: 1 Medi 2018

Amser: 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm

Rhad ac am ddim, nid oes angen archebu o flaen llaw (rhaid archebu eich lle ar gyfer sesiynau un-i-un, fodd bynnag)

Ymunwch â Parthian Books, Llenyddiaeth Cymru a’r Wales Arts Review am brynhawn o drafod, sgwrsio a rhannu gwybodaeth i ddathlu prosiect Y Cwm, Y Ddinas, Y Pentref, a gynhaliwyd ar y cyd y llynedd fel rhan o India-Cymru – menter ar y cyd rhwng Celfyddydau Rhyngwladol Cymru a’r British Council.

2.00 pm -2.45 pm

Cyfle i glywed sgwrs rhwng Richard Lewis Davies, Cyfarwyddwr Parthian a Gary Raymond, awdur a Golygydd y Wales Arts Review dan ofal Elena Schmitz, Pennaeth Rhaglenni Llenyddiaeth Cymru. Daeth y tri sefydliad ynghyd i weithio ar brosiect Y Cwm, Y Ddinas, Y Pentref yn 2017 gyda Bee Books, India. Bydd y sgwrs hon yn rhoi cefndir y prosiect ac yn trafod sut aeth y sefydliadau ati i gydweithio yn ogystal ac ystyried y broses o weithio’n rhyngwladol gydag awduron o Gymru. Prif ffocws y sesiwn fydd rhannu gwybodaeth gydag awduron newydd sydd â diddordeb mewn cymryd rhan mewn prosiectau tebyg yn y dyfodol.

3.00 pm – 3.45 pm

Cyfle i glywed gan yr holl awduron a gymerodd ran ym mhrosiect Y Cwm, Y Ddinas, Y Pentref: Natalie Ann Holborow, Sophie McKeand, Gary Raymond a Sion Tomos Owen. Teithiodd y pedwar i India y llynedd a bu hynny’n sbardun i waith creadigol newydd. Mewn sgwrs gyda Richard Lewis Davies, Cyfarwyddwr Parthian Books, bydd cyfle i rannu atgofion ac i berfformio eu gwaith. 

4.00 pm – 5.00 pm

RHAID COFRESTRU: Sesiynau un-i-un gyda Richard Lewis Davies (Parthian) ac Elena Schmitz (Llenyddiaeth Cymru) ar gyfer awduron sydd eisiau rhagor o wybodaeth am weithio gyda chyhoeddwr neu am gyfleoedd a chefnogaeth i awduron gan Llenyddiaeth Cymru.

Uchafswm o 8 o lefydd ar gael; cyntaf i’r felin. Cysylltwch â / ag Parthian (0)1792 606 605, info@parthianbooks.com, Llenyddiaeth Cymru: (0) 2920 472 266 ar 28 August i gadw’ch lle, gan nodi gyda phwy yr hoffech chi sgwrs.

Ynglŷn ag India-Cymru

Mae India-Cymru yn fenter ar y cyd rhwng Celfyddydau Rhyngwladol Cymru a’r British Council er mwyn cynorthwyo cydweithrediad a chyfnewid artistig rhwng gweithwyr creadigol proffesiynol a sefydliadau celfyddydol yng Nghymru ac India a fydd yn meithrin rhwydweithiau a chydberthnasau cynaliadwy rhwng y ddwy wlad. Mae India-Cymru yn rhan o ymgyrch ehangach Blwyddyn Diwylliant India Y DU 2017.

Ynglŷn â phrosiect Y Cwm, Y Ddinas, Y Pentref

Yn 2017, cydweithiodd Parthian Books (Cymru) a Bee Books (India) ynghyd â Llenyddiaeth Cymru a Wales Arts Review ar brosiect Y Cwm, Y Ddinas, Y Pentref, ble bu chwe awdur o Gymru ac o India yn darganfod gwledydd ei gilydd ac yn defnyddio’u profiadau fel sbardun ar gyfer gwaith newydd.

Mae pob grŵp o awduron wedi ymweld â’r naill wlad, gyda llyfr o Gymru yn cael ei lansio yn Ffair Llyfrau Kolkata, ymddangosiad yng ngwyliau’r Gelli a Llansteffan yn ogystal â phreswyliad yn Nhŷ Newydd, Gogledd Cymru a nifer o ddigwyddiadau cyhoeddus ar draws Cymru. Cyhoeddwyd rhifyn arbennig (y rhifyn printiedig cyntaf) o Wales Arts Review yn dilyn taith yr awduron o Gymru i India yng ngwanwyn 2017.

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