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The Writer's Corner with Cyril James Morris

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The Writer's Corner with Cyril James Morris

Cyril James Morris was born in Saundersfoot and joined the Royal Navy as an apprentice at age sixteen. He served twenty-two years as marine and aeronautical engineer, followed by training as a helicopter anti-submarine pilot and eventually as a helicopter maintenance test pilot. After his retirement he became a lobster fisherman in Saundersfoot for a couple of years and then took up a position in the U.S.A. as an aerostat flight director. He returned to Saundersfoot in 2014 to pursue his writing.

This year he published his debut book The Herring Man; a beautiful tale about dealing with grief and searching for hope. Read below to learn more about The Herring Man and Cyril in the latest addition of the Writer's Corner and see what makes this writer tick! 




What are you reading right now? 

The Towers of Silence by Paul Scott 

Tea or Coffee? 

Tea for breakfast and coffee between 10 and 11 am at my favourite coffee shop, The Shoreline, The Strand, Saundersfoot where you can sit outside overlooking the beach and Carmarthen Bay 

Favourite reading spot? 

In my garden. 

What was the first book you remember loving as a child? 

Enid Blyton’s books about the ‘Fives’, Mountain of Adventure among others. 

Any pets?

I have had live-in pets in the past but now I have an extremely interesting dog, a very rare breed who is invisible and goes everywhere with me. His name is Carruthers. He doesn’t bark to annoy the neighbours, doesn’t need to go to the Vet, doesn’t eat dog-food and doesn’t pee on lampposts. 

What inspires you to write? 

Imagination and the characters that I create. They talk to me about their lives.

Describe your writing in three words. 

Thoughtful and challenging. 

What TV show are you bingeing right now? 


Any words of wisdom for writing. 

Do not be in a hurry. Write and re-read often and ignore computer generated words and grammar. If it sounds right to you, it is right. 

What are your guilty pleasures? 

I feel no guilt about pleasure but sitting in a boat on my own, willing a nice fat trout about to engulf my fly will do for me. 

Morning bird or night owl? 

Morning for effort and night for inspiration. 

Author Cyril James Morris sits at a signing table at Goldstone Books Carmarthen.
Cyril at a book signing at Goldstone Books Carmarthen

What skill or talent would you love to have? 

I love other peoples talents and am happy with my lot. 

Do you have a favourite literary quote? 

Yes. I always kept a photo of Albert Einstein on my desk with his words on the bottom, IMAGINATION IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN KNOWLEDGE. I have recently given it to one of my granddaughters with a promise from her that she will look at it every day.


"The Herring Man is a poignant modern-day fable, a treasure chest of its own, overflowing with lyrical descriptions and images, in sketches and in words..." Nation.Cymru 

The Herring Man is available to order now with only 99p UK postage! You can keep up to date with Cyril James Morris here!