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Bad Ideas, Bad Ideas\Chemicals, Carnival Bookshop, Lloyd Markham, News, pop-up shop, writing -

Several years ago. on my way home from a night out, I paused on the old bridge near the centre of town to look at the water below. I think it must have rained upstream or something because the river was surging. It looked strangely inviting to my drunken mind. I stood there watching the murky water for a long time and felt a perverse urge to jump in. Then, a passing police officer, as if sensing the bad ideas in my head, bellowed at me from the other side of the bridge, “Hey, mate, are you okay?” snapping me out of my trance.

Bad Ideas\Chemicals is a book about moments like this. Moments when you feel hypnotised by some irrational urge you cannot fathom. 

It is also a book about self-destruction.

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A Van of One's Own, Bad Ideas, Biddy Wells, Cardiff, Carnival Bookshop, Chemicals, Festival, fiction, launches, Lloyd Markham, memoir, novel, pop-up shop, travel -

Join us this summer for The Festival of Bad Ideas (1-9 July) as our Carnival pop-up bookshop returns to Duke Street Arcade in Cardiff. On Saturday 1 July we'll be launching Lloyd Markham's dark and weird novel 'Bad Ideas\Chemicals' at 4pm at 3-7 Duke Street Arcade, with more bad ideas (but no chemicals) to follow throughout the week. In a year of bad ideas, one more can't hurt. Or can it?

We'll also be launching Biddy Wells' travel memoir A Van of One's Own in store on Thursday 6 July at 5.30pm.

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