Writer and publisher Richard Lewis Davies responds in the New Welsh Reader to a commentary on the Hughes report.
Here's an extract:
In this culture of debate there’s Gary Raymond’s commentary on the report on the report into Welsh culture published online in the Wales Arts Review. This was an inaccurate and unbalanced piece, which extended into an attack on Welsh literature and how things apparently used to be done, while offering few facts or context. Raymond’s article was an attempt to write history as ‘what I imagined’. He then offered a vision for the future with the engagement of a new generation of writers and critics, a merry ‘band of talented, hopeful, serious individuals’ with of course no rivalry, envy, avarice or ambition, in fact just the same as the previous generation really…. But what Raymond’s article misses in attempting to rubbish the Hughes report along with an imagined past is that there were important issues brought up by the report that have been lost in the smoke and the building of barricades….
Find the full article in the New Welsh Reader New Welsh Review blog: https://newwelshreview.com/ article.php?id=2218